3 min readMay 25, 2021


Emotions are unavoidable aspects or should I say situations of our lives. We either feel sad, happy, frustrated, angry and many other mentionable emotions we might get at a certain point in our lives when these emotions come striking most of what we do is try and shun from them because of fear that they will make us dwell in the pain, make us stagnant in the pain or in the frustration. But then, come to think of it its only helpful if we appreciate the presence of the feelings and the energy that they bring. A warrior will get that specific title if indeed they took part in the battle field and just showed the confident and willingness to fight. What I am driving at is that we end up more soaked in the pool of how we feel because we enclose everything inside and it gets to us slowly by slowly.

If you feel betrayed by someone you hoped will stand by you and they just ended up disappointing you…it’s okay to feel angry and let it manifest. Not necessarily going to give the person your piece of mind the way you think they deserve to be given but finding alternatives. There are indeed many ways of catching rats. Let it be known.

I know that for a fact that some situations in our lives are like drug addiction episodes. Where one has to work there way towards overcoming the addiction. After overcoming, the hardest part comes in! where one has to ensure that all is maintained and they don’t get a reflux . When you think you have it all, it only means that another chapter of ambition and strive opens.

I am at times humbled with situations in my life. Not the good humbling way…! I mean when things put me down emotionally, when the past comes knocking and the present is still reckoning to be recognized and be worked on! It becomes mostly mental, the thought of “I thought I walked myself through this!” comes in but does not tackle what is at hand. The only thing I think of at this point that can be helpful is that I have to pull myself out from this state or situation. Reminding myself of my self-worth and my importance in my own life and the generation to come forth from me and a new challenge is born of answering the question of AM I GOOD ENOUGH to believe indeed I will be among the faces of change and prosperity?

At this point my fellows….it is all about me. Well I or anybody else might be having the people around to remind and tell them that they are strong, they are beautiful, smart, and very much able to overcome but then it all comes to I as an individual or you personally. Am I able to believe or do I believe in the potentiality I have? do I believe in the ability that lays on my hands? . At this point self-worth can be compared to an egg that has lost its stability.

When I get to a point that I need to get myself on my feet again! It is overbearing and burdening but I strongly believe that at that point, that is where indeed the authenticity of my strength and my capability is shown or weighed to show that indeed I am my own masterpiece. The many times you rise up from pain of betrayal, lack, abuse, addiction then those times mark your hero stars.

When we are hurt by people it gets to a point where we think the best way to get back at them is proving them wrong and showing that you could do and make it without them. What do we do? We work towards proving the point to them. My take is that we should not be in effort to prove a point to them, but to prove to ourselves that indeed we are where we are because we believed and still believe in ourselves and focused on what we thought best for ourselves.

How does it feel for you when it’s time to rise up from a fall?

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